
CATO Token ($CATO)

$CATO is a government token for the game CATO. The holders are the people who want to invest in the game. Holders can use $CATO to staking or recharge the game.

CATO information

Binance Smart Chain

Token Allocation

  • Public sale: 3%

  • Private sale: 12%

  • Team & Advisor: 14%

  • Staking reward: 27%

  • Community & marketing: 3%

  • Lab Reservers: 5%

  • Play to earn reward: 31%

  • DEX liquidity: 5%

  • Public sales unlock 6% at TGE and the remaining will be distributed at the rate of 6% per month for 15 months and 4% for the last month

  • Private sale will release 6% in TGE and then pay 6% every month in 15 months and 4% in the last month

  • Team and Advisor will be locked in 6 months and then distributed in the remaining 36 months.

  • Staking reward token will be locked: issuance starts in Q4/2021­ Q1/2022.

  • Token for community and marketing will be unlocked 2% per month, in a total of 50 months.

  • Play to earn reward tokens will be locked: issuance starts in Q4/2021­ Q1/2022.




Last updated